I attempted suicide, and when it failed and I was in the hospital recovering, a light appeared to me that saved my life, and renewed my relationship with God. This is my story.
While in the third trimester of my pregnancy with my son, untreated depression almost took my life, and the life of my unborn son. I share my story to bring depression awareness and mental health awareness.
Depression and mental health awareness equals suicide prevention.
The more we talk about mental health, the more normal it becomes. And that is how stigmas get destroyed.
How many lives could be saved if we taught children the warning signs? Teaching mental wellness in school could save your child's life. Teaching kid's what depression is and what the danger signs look like could save your child's life. Depression and mental health support can be suicide prevention.
Be love or be f*ucking quiet! Your ignorance is costing lives means just that. The things you don't know anything about, but say it anyway could be the last time your loved one reaches out for help. And your ignorance could kill someone you love. Being unaware of what to say is not an excuse. If you don't know what to say, then it's better to say nothing at all. Be love, or be quiet.
Suicide rates among African American people, as well as young people, are ever-increasing. My number one mission is to bring awareness to the black community to end the stigma surrounding mental health, depression, and what it means to say "I am not okay, and I need help". This is a message that can save lives. And we have to act immediately. The age of suicide rates are constantly decreasing. Please watch and share this video, and help our mission to save lives. Depression and mental health support, can also mean suicide prevention. Let's focus on mental wellness, instead of constantly using ignorance as guide.
Depression and suicide do not discriminate. No race, age, gender, social or economic status is exempt from suffering with one's mental health. Please watch and share this very important video. Remember depression and mental health support can equal suicide prevention. Mental wellness is live saving. Why would we not want to do this.
Please seek that help from actual mental health care providers. Not only can taking this uneducated advice further the stigma surrounding mental health, but it can also cause your symptoms to worsen. Depression and mental health support can and should also come from the loved ones around us. But if the focus is not on wellness and suicide prevention, and is more on judgement the outcome could be final, and permanent.
Having untreated or undertreated mental health can not only be very tough for you to manage, but it can also be very tough for those around you. It is not fair to take your loved ones on that roller-coaster ride of emotions with you, simply because you are refusing treatment and turning away from mental health wellness. You need to be okay with seeking help when you need it, or be okay with the people around you putting space between you and your diagnosis. You have the right to chose how you mange your mental health. And the ones around you have the right to chose how they handle theirs.
My Village Has No Elders
San Diego, California, United States
Copyright © 2022 My Village Has No Elders - All Rights Reserved.https://www.youtube.com/user/fron10a1978