There is no such thing as being neutral when you are in a relationship of any kind with anyone. See, this is the problem with being neutral is dangerous because it allows people to give themselves the permission to stand around and do nothing when they see someone being harmed.
Being neutral is the same as doing nothing. And there is nothing safe, loving or caring about doing nothing when someone we are in a relationship does nothing.
Are grounding practices worth the hype? I did a grounding session and it ended up being more spiritual than I ever expected, and it's crazy because Jhadina predicted this would happen and she was right. Grounding and healing ahead. I know this kind of thing bothers some. People being vulnerable on the internet for some reason stirs anger in some, and for those people, this video is not for you.
Maya Galore, so you're about to get married. And you think that somehow you are above having your relationship be picked apart. Well, you're not! You put it out there. So it's gonna be pryed into. And there is nothing you can do to stop it. Or is there?
It takes a village to raise a child. And my village is empty. My village consists of myself and my husband, and that's it. Me and my husband are doing a pretty good job holding us down. But it pisses me off when people stand on the outside judging what we are doing over here on the inside. It's a struggle village, but we are doing our best. So if you plan to stand on the outside and judge, then you can kiss my ass.
There is no such thing as a perfect "the perfect" woman. When we tell women that they have to have to do any be everything for everyone and if we don't or can't we are not a good woman. This message is harmful to women. And places more impossible standards on women who already have so many impossible standards set on them. Women don't need to have it all. No one does. So stop telling women that we need to have it all.
Sometimes standing your ground can also mean just walking away. If someone does not want me in a space that doesn't belong to me, I simply won't be in that space, that does not belong to me. I recommend distancing yourself from the toxicity, and set boundaries, or set better boundaries around that toxic situation and enjoy your emotional and mental health soft life. You set boundaries. You've stood your ground. You've earned it!
Are Genx tutorials still a thing? Tiktok said that Youtube make-up tutorials are dead. First of all, Tiktok needs to mind its business. Tiktok needs to focus on pointless make-up hacks, and let GenX do what we do over here. Shots fired!
If someone was ever a real friend, having a falling out is never going to be a good enough reason to betray the trust you once had in them. They were either a friend or an enemy disguised as one. Either way, make sure you are labeling your relationships appropriately, and setting boundaries where need be.
My story can't offend you. The things I have experienced are mine to share. And no matter how someone may feel about me sharing, I have given myself permission to share them with no regard for how someone else may feel about me doing so. And I really encourage you all to the do same.
You can never allow someone to bully you into not sharing your story. Your story is yours to share, and when we allow someone to silence us, we lose not only our chance to release emotional traumas, but we also lose the chance for our story to be a blessing to someone else. Your story is yours to share. So share it!
Kevin Samuels died on May 5th, 2022. And since the announcement of his death, black women everywhere have been celebrating his death. He often made very vile statement about and to black women. And his hate for black women has caused hate for him to live on, and will more than likely live on past his death.
Dating was already bad for women but whent the pandemic hit, dating went from bad to worse. I think the key to finding love is letting God lead you. When you tap into your discernment and trust the Holy spirit sight unseen, you can and will meet the man God has for you. I firmly believe that.
My Village Has No Elders
San Diego, California, United States
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